Solid Science Practical Solutions


RTK Season is Coming Up

"Right to Know" season is right around the corner...
As you know, the NJ Department of Health (NJDOH) requires that every public school conduct a complete chemical inventory and file Right to Know Surveys for each of their facilities once every five (5) years and update surveys of any changes in the hazardous substances used or stored every year.  The 2015 update survey needs to be completed by July 15, 2016.  That means that busy consultants like GSE like to get started in the early spring to be sure we meet the deadline for our clients.
RTK Station
The process has been streamlined with the long awaited introduction of the NJ on-line RTK portal system.  Survey data can now be entered directly into the system to avoid inefficient paper-based surveys previously used.
Here's How GSE Can Help:
RTK Survey- GSE can conduct a physical inventory of all facilities and enter survey date directly into the on-line RTK Survey Portal.
Central File Management- GSE can review the existing central file for completeness and make recommendations for improvement (or update files for the District upon request).
RTK Labeling- GSE can identify improperly labeled containers and report back to the district or provide updated labels upon request.
RTK Posters- GSE can supply the most current version of the RTK Poster for you to display.
RTK Pamphlets- GSE can provide RTK pamphlets for your employees.
Technical Consultation- GSE can provide expert consultations on handling hazardous and waste materials safely and in compliance with applicable regulations.
Now is the time to contact GSE at 201-652-1119 to be sure your 2015 RTK Survey Update is on-time and accurate.