It's That (Budget) Time of Year
It’s That (Budget) Time of Year!
Schools all over New Jersey are busy preparing their budgets for the 2013-2014 school year. For Facility Managers this means (among many other things) reviewing your compliance and training programs to make sure they are up-to-date and in compliance with the myriad of mandated environmental health and safety regulations set forth by state and federal agencies.
We know many Districts are struggling with dwindling resources and increasing demands and that cost effectiveness is more important than ever. We also know that getting the most “bang for the buck” is everyones goal.
So, how do you do that? One way is to periodically get comparative bids for existing services. Unfortunately, we’ve seen all too often that some consultants get complacent with long term clients and a pattern of reduced service and increased fees creeps in. Luckily for our clients, Garden State Environmental, Inc. (GSE) does not think that way and we focus on excellent service at competitive prices AT ALL TIMES!
We would be pleased to provide a competitive bid for any of the following policies, training, consulting and abatement services for:
- AHERA Asbestos
- NJ Right-To-Know
- Hazard Communication
- Lab Safety (Chemical Hygiene) including Fume Hood Assessments
- Bloodborne Pathogen
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
- Confined Space Entry and Lockout/Tagout
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Hazard Assessments and Hazardous Waste Inventories
- Boiler and Emergency Generator Air Permitting
- Environmental issues such as underground storage tanks, drinking water, lead paint, etc.
Thank you for considering GSE - The time is right and the potential to save money and improve services is real!
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