Solid Science Practical Solutions


Damaging Effects of Ice Dams

Cold weather can lead to mold and IAQ issues.
One of the main problems that can result from the frigid and changing temperatures is ice damming.  When ice dams form, a ridge of ice prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof.  As the water backs up behind the dam it can leak into buildings causing damage to walls, ceilings, insulation and potentially mold.  The link below takes you to the well received full article we published last year about this issue.Ice dam home

Ice Dams Article  

Garden State Environmental, Inc. (GSE) is here to help with all your environmental or indoor air quality problems.  We are an industrial hygiene and environmental consulting firm with nearly 30 years of experience in providing initial assessments, environmental testing and clearance testing for all indoor environmental quality contaminants including: 

  • Mold and other microbial growth
  • Lead-based paint
  • PCBs
  • Asbestos
  • Radon
  • Vapor Intrusion
  • Hazardous Materials

We invite you to call us at 201-652-1119 for more information or if you suspect water intrusion or mold due to ice dams.