Breaking News...GSE Expansion
GSE has been providing expert industrial hygiene services for over 35 years throughout the tri-state area. We have a team of Industrial Hygienists, Environmental Consultants and Public Health Experts who regularly interact with mold and other remedial contractors. We have overseen more than 10,000 water intrusion, mold and IAQ projects for builders, property managers, building owners, corporations, medical facilities, attorneys, engineers, homeowners, realtors, etc. We have worked hard to earn a long-standing reputation as scientifically proficient, careful, thorough, practical and competitively priced experts.
- provides fast response to avoid project delays (next day lab results and reports if needed).
- assumes the liability in assessing the extent of mold contamination and developing the proper Scope of Work or Remediation Protocol (specific, detailed and easy to follow).
- views contractors as partners.
- is available for immediate technical guidance, especially if new findings emerge during remediation.
- provides independent clearance testing for final documentation.
- takes responsibility for risk communication to define expectations and reduce fears.
- solidifies your relationship with your clients and allows you to focus on what you do best.
- avoids any conflict of interest through providing independent third party professional services.
Other Hazards:
- Asbestos was often used in older wallboard, plaster and joint compound to add strength and fire resistance?
- Asbestos was commonly used in caulking and window glazing?
- Asbestos is still used in many building products such as insulating panels, appliances, roofing and siding, adhesives, brake linings, heating system gaskets, among others?
- Buildings constructed into the 1990’s and beyond may still contain asbestos?
- The USEPA requires contractor training in lead safe work practices.
- Lead Paint can cause a health hazard if disturbed even if it has been painted over with non-lead paint many times?
- Infection Control Consulting based on current scientific and public health consensus standards
- Reopening Strategic Planning
- Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols
- Post Cleaning Surface Testing
- Employee and Client Training
- Respiratory Protection Programs and Fit Testing
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